Right now we are trying our best to succeed while going through this pandemic. our hearts go out to everyone having money struggles and not having enough food on the table, we truly feel you. thats why we will be giving people who make less than 25k AUD yearly a free 1 year subscription when our new software products come out!
we also plan to get our energy from green sources. such as solar, wind and some other methods. we mostly will be implementing solar as its the most sufficient method, in our current terrain. all this green energy will be used to power servers, and somehow if there isn't enough sun on a day, we always have back up green generators also stored with green energy!
Currently we don't have too much employees which is why we are asking for your help! if you feel what we are trying to do matches with your hobbys or interests then come and join us and assist us with making the future bright! we currently have the staff work on discord as it matches our exact needs for communication. here is the discord server if you feel like you want to help:https://discord.gg/qJBdbmNejy
We are going to now go in more depth about our revolutionary linux distro based OS called HootOS. HootOS is an OS that is linux based and is mostly accommodated around programs as you can program features in such as a self learning neural AI or perhaps automated tasks. but it isnt required to have some tech savvy knowledge to use HootOS. its just recommended, its also going to boost ram performance nearly double! since it can manage ram usage way better than windows can!
if you would like to donate 5 dollars or more, we would appreciate it very much! members who donate get exclusive access to beta products earlier than release and provided with a special rank in discord. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Intriga, 5 dollars(1 coffee) = special rank only given to donators, 10 dollars(2 coffees) = Exclusive access to beta products before release date, and a special rank only given to donators.